Our imagination, our company, our thought: By "our" we mean the relationship between you and FX Communication.
The exchange of information, ideas and mutual trust allows us to fully understand your needs and focus on mutual goals, just ours! FX Communication is a dynamic company that works in the communication sector. Since 2004 our goal is to provide you with ideas and knowledge in order to increase the visibility and prestige of your business. Our work experience allows us to reach the goal working at all levels: at the beginning we offer free consulting in order to identify together the image that better fits your goal. In the second phase, we start working and developing in every direction. Thanks to the use of all media offered by the communication world we concentrate on creating a solid and unavoidable base on which to build a strong and impact image.
Nowadays, the way you introduce yourself says who you are.

Several are the ways in which a person can get in touch with your business: looking at your business card, flipping through a brochure or simply buying your products or availing of your services. Each of these individual moments contributes to the creation of your image. For this reason, it is essential that each of these components gives a uniform message. FX Communication can take care of each of these steps that brings you to interact with the surrounding world: a logo that speaks for itself, elements of corporate identity, engaging packaging, posters, brochures, mobile apps, advertising campaigns, displays at fair stands and so on. Everything with an absolute coordination and interaction between the elements to give power and weight to create a unified image: that's your sign! We are the perfect interface between your needs and the world of communication.
Art is the expression of strong emotions that can not be expressed using traditional communication because art comes from the depths of the human soul. For this reason, despite the technology has made the photographic art accessible to everybody, using a camera or a photo editing program is not enough to produce a valid and outstanding image. FX Communication is fully aware of the power of images and is really able to communicate exploiting their effects. We have decades of experience that goes beyond the knowledge of tools, our expertise ensures that the photographs are the catalyst of the whole communication. Although we started our business well before the advent of digital photography, we are fully in control of the most advanced photo-editing techniques: that allows us to show always the best representations of your products and of your world.
The web site of a company or institution should be like a gateway to the world: an entryway for people who come to get informations or a way out for the ideas you want to launch; your web space will become a reference point for you and your users. But the best way of distinction is your personality: the web site we want to build must reflect the image of your business and communicate its efficiency. It will be an additional service for your users with which you can estimate the positive feedback on your business.
Search Engines
The web, however, is actually very messy and the door may open on a jungle in which it is difficult to distinguish. To prevent this from happening, FX Communication plans strategies that operate at all levels and act on major search engines to give visibility to your site.
Two inversely proportional quantities: the speed of news and the size of our planet.
Acting properly on the first quantity means having your target within reach. Our working method is based on solid relationships with the world of informations. Nowadays, it is impossible to think of conveying a clear and compelling image without exploiting the speed and force of the media.
FX Communication is particularly attentive to the disclosure to the press and is very active in the field thanks to an extremely dense network of contacts. A suitable press campaign has the power to match the visibility obtained through advertising campaigns giving strength to your image.
Getting right into the hands of your target: a winning strategy!
Nowadays a company can't think of its website as something living on its own. A company website must live on social networks, the company itself must live on oscial netorks to interact with customers! The speed and freeqnce of access of a user to social networks is something valuable: it's like having a chance of a free banner on Tower Bridge and not exploit it!
we are always up to date. And if we find that extra services are necessary for our clients' strategies, we are committed to do so. Therefore, because of the spread of smartphones, we started to code mobile and desktop apps. With our apps you can always offer additional services to your customers or simplify your work. Did you ever hear about BlaBlaCar? Watch this...
Random list of some of our customers (past and present)
Atletica Arechi Salerno

Energy Care s.r.l.

Consorzio POMA - Soc. Agr. Cooperativa

B&B Le Case Coloniche

Antonio Amato & C.

La Même Chose

Database Email

Provincia di Salerno

Pasta dei Principi srl

Saverio Gatto Photography

C.C.T. Rainbow Italia srl

Mescal Srl